Leandro’s Photo Studio wedding photo critique
Greetings from Honduras. Sorry I sent a web message disregard it . It took me a minute or two to figure out the contact email address. LOL
I’m submitting this photo because the couple loved it… but I was nervous to show it to them because of the dress and focus. It was about to start pouring (and it poured on their wedding dance like never before ) they ended up with a trashed wedding dress.
Anyways. They wanted that photo so bad since it means a lot.. but like I said how do you achieve good focus using 50mm in dark conditions?
I want your critique.
BTW. I’ve learned so much from you.
My website http://www.leandrosphotostudio.com it will land you on facebook page.
thank you for your submission and sorry about the delayed response.
Content 8 out of 10
A normal wedding dance, but the fact it is at night and wet, I can appreciate the difficulty getting, it. Did you flash from one side? As a wedding photographer myself, I like it very much and this shows again that the harshest conditions can be turned into great photography
Composition 7 out of 10
I see the rule of thirds, nice proportions, i see the other couples in the background. Not much more to comment, perhaps a tad bigger should have been better?
Quality 8 out of 10
I see a lot of skills here and this image looks great, despite the fact it is small as requested.
Final TRS rating 7.6 out of 10 which is great.
I saw your website, your are a great photographer. Your website is not very responsive and not optimised for a great experience.
Best wishes and good luck with your photography
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